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Blind Ninja is a fully on-chain and openly moddable game on the Flow Blockchain
How It Works

All Blind Ninja level are composed from smart contracts deployed on the Flow Blockchain. This includes the execution of the game and the items on the 2D game board. Any developer (or player) can deploy their smart contracts on-chain and play their resulting game directly on this website.

The different types of smart contract types that make up a level are the following:

Game Object🔗
The visual representation of an object on a level's 2D gameboard.
A Ninja game object and a Flag game object

Game Mechanic🔗
Game mechanics manage on-screen object interactions and user inputs, updating the 2D gameboard and GameObject positions for a responsive gameplay experience
The NinjaMovementMechanic allows the ninja to move from a player's keypress

Win Condition🔗
Win conditions assess the game's current state to determine if a player has successfully completed a level
The NinjaTouchGoalWinCondition allows a player to win the game by directing the ninja to touch a flag.

A level is a composition of game objects, game mechanics, and win conditions. A level can also hold state and logic that determines how it is executed, not limited to the functionality within it's game's mechanics and objects.
The IntroLevel is composed from 4 contracts including 2 Game Objects, 1 Game Mechanic, and 1 Win Condition
